This article explains how to use Microsoft Word to create answer options and scales for questionnaires in EFS (Enterprise Feedback Suite). It provides a step-by-step guide on transferring content from Word documents to EFS, making the process of creating surveys more efficient.
Questionnaires are often created in Word. To make your life easier, you can use those questionnaires as templates for your answer options and scales in EFS.
This is how it's done:
Create a new question
Copy the question text from your word template and insert the question text in the question text container
Copy the answer options from your word template, scroll to the answer dimensions and press the button "Paste from Word"
Paste the answer options into the text box, and each single row will become exactly on answer option.
Confirm and save the question
Delete the preset answer option and save it again.
The same procedure will work with scales.
Can I use this method for all types of questions in EFS?
This method works well for questions with answer options and scales. For other question types, you may need to adjust the process slightly.
What if my Word document has formatting that doesn't transfer correctly?
The "Paste from Word" feature is designed to handle basic formatting. If you encounter issues with complex formatting, you may need to simplify your Word document or manually adjust the formatting in EFS.
Can I edit the answer options after pasting them from Word?
Yes, you can edit the answer options in EFS after pasting them from Word. This allows you to make any necessary adjustments or corrections.
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