This article explains what cookies are, how they work, and their importance in web browsing. It also provides information on how to manage cookies in your browser.
This guide focuses on the definition of cookies, their purpose, and how users can control them.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small piece of text information that is stored temporarily on the user's computer. When a user accesses a webpage, this cookie is transferred to the website operator. The information stored in cookies is specific to the domain it belongs to and is not accessible by other domains.
How to view and manage cookies
You can view the information stored in cookies through your browser. The process for viewing and managing cookies varies depending on the browser you're using. To learn how to manage cookies in your specific browser, it's best to consult the browser's official documentation or support pages.
Cookie duration and deletion
Cookies are typically stored for the duration of the session plus an additional 48 hours. However, users have the option to delete cookies manually at any time through their browser settings. Many browsers also offer the option to automatically delete cookies when the browser is closed.
Where can I find more information about cookies?
Additional information about cookies can be found on the login page of the installation, specifically on the Cookies Policy page.
Are cookies shared between different websites?
No, the information stored in cookies is not made available to other domains. Each website can only access its own cookies.
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